Unfortunately for Gavin, about one hundred and seventy two days ago I was lucky enough to make the 3,000th comment on his blog.
Knowing me it was something very deep like "hi, you social media whore", but it was so long ago that I can't quite be sure.
Regardless, it was special.
And caring. And insightful.
And as just reward Gavin kindly offered me the chance to make a guest post on his blog.
While hugely flattered, being a person of images and swear words I was somewhat thrown by this, and promptly buried my head in the sand while four pitches, a three year strategic 'roadmap' and five creative presentations ran over me like a heavily overloaded rubbish truck.
I survived, luckily, and am now finally getting off my proverbial arse to take him up on his incredibly generous offer.
I've decided to make my guest post an interview. Of Gavin. This WAS to take place over battleships one fine Coffee Morning but it appears that one of my clients likes nothing more than getting together from 8am to 10am on Friday mornings to talk about brand values and scene by scene objectives. Heaven.
So, in the spirit of the new world, I may have to *gasp* email him the questions and he can *gasp* answer them on his blog. We'll see.
Anything you've ever wanted to know about Gavin...?
When is he finally coming to Germany. I'd bloody well like to know that.
Will he help me steal Armano's cowboy hat?
What's the biggest cock-up he's made. Like EVER.
Ta Ta.
Posted by: Marcus Brown | March 24, 2009 at 05:19 PM
I'm still holding you to that game of battleships ;)
Posted by: Gavin Heaton | March 24, 2009 at 05:29 PM
You're on :)
Excellent questions Marcus, appreciate it.
Posted by: Angus | March 24, 2009 at 05:33 PM
I'd like to know when Gavin will have a photo of himself that doesn't look like it's been professionally produced and the photographer has told him to "make love to the camera by looking mean and moody".
Posted by: Rob @ Cynic | March 24, 2009 at 06:24 PM
Do you think this interview ploy is a cop-out that allows Angus an easy ride rather than write a revealing insight into matters of importance such as social media?
Is the nature of the conversation different in your part of the world and why?
Posted by: John | March 24, 2009 at 09:27 PM
Rob, excellent question.
Doddsy, excellent question(s).
The answers to these will be provided soon.
Posted by: Angus | March 24, 2009 at 10:21 PM
Why is Coopers Sparkling Ale Sparkling? I could never work that one out.
Posted by: Will | March 26, 2009 at 04:26 AM
It's a wild guess I know but it's got bubbles in it!
Posted by: John | March 26, 2009 at 08:51 PM
Why thanks Rob - but I would hardly call my self portrait "professional". As you can see by the angle, it is my left arm holding the camera pointed back at myself (you know I should have used a tripod).
And as for being mean and moody ... well, the camera never lies ;) But my avatars on Twitter tend to be less serious.
Posted by: Gavin Heaton | April 08, 2009 at 08:53 AM
You're not meant to answer the questions yet Gavin! You're meant to answer them either tomorrow if my clients leave me alone in the morning, or when I email them through to you. Or over beer! Mmmm... beer...
Posted by: Angus | April 08, 2009 at 09:28 AM