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I'm watching and thinking this is brilliant. And wondering if you knew about the ad it was spoofing. And then the end credit comes up and I feel slightly let down because it's not amateurs, it's pros pretending to be amateurs. Not sure if that matters. But at least I posted it as a comment rather than an email. I get points for that right?

Thought not.

Yes. Ten points. Progress.

I'm sorry you felt let down.

Idea from Dare. But we shot it (via Quiet Storm Films)

Thanks for the compliment - I still consider myself as an amateur. :-)

Excellent work Jon and Flo.

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  • I'm a strategist in the communications industry
    in Sydney.

    This is where I collect things that tickle my fancy.  I'm particularly fond of knitted food, wallpaper, infographics and gin.
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